More Wrestlers You Didn’t Know Wrestled in WCW

WCW had many wrestlers on their roster at one time or another. Apart from Nitro, Thunder and pay-per-views, some wrestlers may have only appeared on programmes like Pro or Prime, that were not as widely seen. Or, it was a case of “before they were stars,” wrestlers who worked as enhancement talent, before finding more opportunities down the track. It […]

Ten Wrestlers You Didn’t Know Wrestled in WCW

WCW had many wrestlers on their roster at one time or another. Apart from Nitro, Thunder and pay-per-views, some wrestlers may have only appeared on programmes like Pro or Prime, that were not as widely seen. Or, it was a case of “before they were stars,” wrestlers who worked as enhancement talent, before finding more opportunities down the track. It […]

Co-Operation in Wrestling – WWF & ECW

As Jeff Jarrett once said, you can make a lot of acquaintances in professional wrestling, but very few friends. The foundations of the business is built on egos and alpha personalities, and there are many shady incidents that occur behind-the-scenes. However, there have been times when wrestling companies have mutually agreed to work together, and on occasion, it can be […]

WCW Superbrawl VIII (22/2/98) – Review

Ever since the debacle that occurred at December 1997’s Starrcade (which we covered in our “Starrcade Shutdown” article), the status of who should be the rightful World Heavyweight champion had been up for debate. More screwiness ensued with no clear-cut result, and then at the January pay-per-view Souled Out, new commissioner Roddy Piper announced the Superbrawl main event to be […]

Anatomy of a Faction – Dungeon of Doom

As might be expected, the arrival of Hulk Hogan to World Championship Wrestling in the middle of 1994 created a bit of a stir. For years, “The Hulkster” had been at the head of Vince McMahon’s national expansion throughout the 1980s; nobody could ever have envisioned him working for another American-based promotion. However, in the early 1990s came the dreaded […]

Starrcade Shutdown

It would be the biggest match in WCW’s history, the bout fans had been waiting many months for, during one of the hottest periods in professional wrestling’s history. A match that, despite the epic war on Monday nights, was not rushed or given away for free, but held in place for WCW’s biggest pay-per-view on the calendar – Starrcade 1997. […]

Antonio Inoki Profile

Born: February 20, 1943 (Kanji Inoki) | Birthplace: Yokohama, JapanDied: October 1, 2022 (Systemic transthyretin amyloidosis)Billed Weight: 224 lbs Other Aliases: Tokyo Tom, Little Tokyo, Mr. Kazimoto Antonio (Kanji) Inoki was born on February 20, 1943 in Yokohama, Japan. From a young age, he excelled at sports and athletics. In the sixth grade, he was taught karate by an older […]

Podcast: WCW WrestleWar 1991 (February 24, 1991)

We’re going back to the first WCW PPV without the NWA name, it’s WrestleWar ’91 and what better match for an event like that than a War Games! It’s Sting’s team taking on the Four Horsemen! It’s subscribe or surrender in the podcast beyond! Email: podcast@thewrestlingroadshow.comWebsite: www.thewrestlingroadshow.comFacebook: The Wrestling RoadshowTwitter: @wrestlingroads1 Donate:

Sabu Profile

Born: December 12, 1964 (Terry Brunk) | Birthplace: Staten Island, New YorkBilled Hometown: Bombay, Michigan / Saudi Arabia | Billed Weight: 235 lbsOther Aliases: Sabu the Elephant Boy, Terry SR, Terry Brunk, Samu The future Sabu was trained by his uncle The Sheik, one of the most notorious rulebreakers in professional wrestling. After a long process of training and refereeing, […]

“Black Saturday”

It will forever be known as one of the darkest days in professional wrestling’s history. A date that sounded alarm bells as the reality for promoters sunk in, that Vince McMahon was serious about taking his company national, and he would do anything to make that happen. While it would become common for McMahon to take syndicated television deals from […]