Roadtrip Music: Ministry/Dark Side by Jim Johnston (The Undertaker, Ministry of Darkness, Yoshihiko)

The Undertaker has had many themes over the years. From Jim Johnston productions like You’re Gonna Pay, Deadman Walkin’ and the iconic Graveyard Symphony to licensed songs like Kid Rock’s American Bad Ass and Limp Bizkit’s Rollin’. This week we’ll take a look at Ministry by Johnston. It was released as Ministry on WWF The Music Volume 4 in 1999, […]

Raven Profile

Born: September 8, 1964 (Scott Levy) | Birthplace: Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaBilled Hometown: Palm Beach, Florida / The Bowery | Billed Weight: 235 lbsOther Aliases: Scotty the Body, Scott Anthony, Scotty Flamingo, Johnny Polo The future Raven was trained by Larry Sharpe at the famous Monster Factory in Paulsboro, New Jersey, and made his debut on February 22, 1988 against Jimmy Jack Funk. […]

Roadtrip Music: Rap is Crap (I Hate Rap) by Curt Hennig & The West Texas Rednecks (Curt Hennig, The West Texas Rednecks)

Well I probably should’ve put a disclaimer on last week’s post. Something along the lines of “The views expressed in this post are those of the author and do not represent those of The Wrestling Roadshow.” or something of the like. Anyway, after that post – we have Greg’s counter this week. In 1999 WCW brought in rapper Master P […]

Rockers Kick Off (WWF, January 12, 1992)

The year 1992 kicked off in sensational fashion in the World Wrestling Federation when tag team specialists The Rockers – Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty – split up on The Barber Shop. In the lead up to the Barber Shop segment – taped December 2, 1991 and aired January 12, 1992 – there had been clear dissension after a series […]

Jim Duggan Profile

Born: January 14, 1954 (James Edward Duggan Jr) | Birthplace: Glens Falls, New York​Billed Weight: 280 lbs | ​Other Aliases: “Big” Jim Duggan, The Convict, “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan, King Duggan James Edward Duggan Jr. was born and grew up in Glens Falls, New York, where his father was chief of police. In high school, he participated in a number of sports, including […]

Roadtrip Music: Trans Magic (The Great Muta)

We could probably have a month of Roadtrip Music posts each week discussing the various memorable themes Keiji Mutoh has had over the years. It took a little while to decide, but we have gone with “Trans Magic,” one of the killer tunes he used in All Japan Pro Wrestling. It was also his 59th birthday recently (December 23), so […]

Podcast: WWF This Tuesday in Texas 1991 (Dec 3, 1991)

This Tuesday the Roadshow stops in Texas! It’s 1991 and The Undertaker is WWF Champion after a controversial Survivor Series. Can Hulk Hogan regain what he’ll argue he never lost? Macho Man Randy Savage returns to action to tackle Jake The Snake Roberts. Featuring the 12th Man references, hot takes on modern wrestling and random joshi tangents you’ve come to […]

Roadtrip Music: Fame by David Bowie (Bob Holly)

Uhhh…. what? Yes, Bob “Hardcore” Holly once used this as entrance music. Prior to becoming a race car driver (he once did actually have a shoot job as a mechanic), Bombastic Bob was “Hollywood” Bob Holly. He used the “Hollywood” moniker while wrestling as a heel for Roadshow-darling Smoky Mountain Wrestling when it started in 1991. The character was obviously […]