Roadtrip Music: ChaChaLaLa by Jim Johnston (Fandango)

Somehow I’ve managed to do a (mostly) weekly series on wrestling music for five months and not even mention Jim Johnston. That’s gotta change! The man is the most prolific contributor to the soundscape of professional wrestling there is, thanks to his three decades of composing music for WWE. This is an odd one to be the first one, but […]

Shooting From Ringside (AWA, January 25, 1975)

We sometimes hear – especially in the early days of professional wrestling – about ‘shoots’ taking place inside the ring. This was all before it became ‘sports entertainment.’ But there was a time when the wrestlers took the business very seriously, and as a result, so did the fans. There’s been tales of the public trying to get at the […]

Sting Profile

Born: March 20, 1959 | Birthplace: Omaha, NebraskaBilled Hometown: Venice Beach, California | Billed Weight: 250 lbsOther Aliases: Flash Born in Nebraska but raised in Southern California, Steve Borden played football and basketball in high school, before embarking on a bodybuilding career. Not initially a fan of professional wrestling, he was inspired to enter the business after attending a live […]

The Wrestling Roadshow: WCW Monday Nitro #1 (Sep 4, 1995)

From the Mall of America we bring you the debut edition of WCW Monday Nitro! It’s Liger vs. Pillman, Flair vs. Sting and Hogan vs. Bubba. We take a look at this historic night in the Monday Night War! In the podcast; we mention the Pastamania menu. Scroll on down past the cast to read this important historical document. To […]

The Kobe Sumo Shoot

There seems to be some confusion about exactly WHEN Earthquake (John Tenta) had his “shoot” with Koji Kitao in Japan. Some sources – even JJ Dillon in his book Wrestlers are Like Seagulls – claim that it occurred in the Toyko Dome on March 30; it didn’t. While Tenta and Kitao did have a match, it was perfectly fine, and […]